Friday, June 19, 2009

To Give You a Frame of Reference

Oy there. Within this blog you will find that I will be conducting critical reviews of any films that come my way during these summer months. I am one day hoping to become a journalist and my net of interests spreads over many things, one of them is movies. And so I will be taking any chance I receive at developing my analytical abilities. You will find reviews of both new releases and old alike.

I am indeed a "movie lover" as they say, and I hope that my opinions and observations can help expand any movie-goer's taste rather than shrink it.

Yes, I am aware that it is June, and that 2009 is half over, but I thought I'd kick off the blog with my top ten films of 2008 as an ice breaker. Which is coming soon.

Oh yes, by the way; welcome and thank you for coming.

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